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this section of the Player Guide have been referenced or partially repurposed from Ross
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newsletters), courseware products, or seminar recordings. If you find the
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available for purchase from the Official Speed Seduction® Web Site. |
(by John Casewest) "You know I think that everyone with a head on their shoulders has got to have
some idea of what theyre looking for in a relationship. Maybe youve met guys in the past where you come home from the date or get off the
phone and youre saying Well he seems to have a lot of this, but I dont
know if hes got enough of that or Yeah he has a lot of what I look for
but theres just this one thing about him I dont like, and while it might
seem natural to evaluate someone like that sometimes, I never do it - at least not with
someone Im really interested in. Havent you ever met a guy who you were just so attracted to everything about him
(confusing on purpose), you could just feel how he satisfied all of your values, and
afterwards you werent picking him apart with all those questions, you were just
imagining everything that would happen the next time you were with him? - A guy where you
knew he had something to offer and you would do whatever to be sure it was offered - to
you? (If Yes, find out what that was like & incorporate it. If no just go on). You see thats the kind of person Im looking for - Its like, what if
you maybe started off meeting this person and you still had that ruler handy, that one you
use in your mine to measure guys, ready to measure if he had enough of this or that, but
then, as you talked to him longer and as the time passed you were just having so much fun,
its as if you just started instead to pay attention to those gut intuitions that
just said overwhelmingly You want this guy, you want this guy, you want him
bad! And instead of wasting your attention on measuring, you just felt that growing
compulsion building, and now its just like all those values you look for just blend
together and you see right then that he had what you really value, and you stop your
measuring because this guys longer (sp) than your ruler (sexual innuendo)! With me, thats the kind of excitement I look for in a relationship and when the
excitement is there, thats when you feel absolutely compelled to just go for it now
(dickpoint)." |  |