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Discussion: PLRM Pre-Lay-Relaxation-Mode

mASF post by sillywilly

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Discussion: PLRM Pre-Lay-Relaxation-Mode
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mASF post by "sillywilly"
posted on: mASF forum: Tactics / Techniques Discussion, May 5, 2003

Hi guys,

Recently in the acronyms section here on this site I stumbled across the term
"PLRM" - Pre Lay Relaxation Mode. It is defined as follows:

"Basically you just have to be very natural about everything you say and do on
the way to the lay venue. There is this point in any same day lay as you go
from the decision point to your place that could get awkward if she suddenly
changes her mind."

This definition appears to come from

Searching the forums and the archive, I found no articles discussing PLRM.
However, it seems like an important factor to prevent flaking.

I'd be interested in hearing stories, both positive and negative, about
bringing chicks into PLRM while driving/walking/riding to the lay venue. For
instance, I remember reading once (in the lay guide, I think) that you should
say NOTHING while on the way to the lay venue - just kino. However this seems
awkward to me, to say NOTHING. TokyoPUA, in the article linked above, says he
comments on the surroundings to get a chick into PLRM.

PLRM also seems to be sort of a logistical problem if the lay venue is HER
place and you have never been there. If the lay venue is your place or under
your control (e.g. hotel room), YOU let HER in, and can get her into PLRM on
the way by telling her about how much she will enjoy the place that you are
about to show her. But if the lay venue is HER place and you are going there
for the first time, SHE has to let YOU in, which is a tiny bit of control that
you have lost, and another possibility for her to flake. Recently I had a ONS
with a HB at her place, and one deciding factor seemed to be that (luckily) the
front door to her apartment complex was open, so we were able to push it open
with our bodies while tonguing down. If we had to stop tonguing down and she
had to dig out her keys, that could have majorly broken state. Perhaps this
means that having the lay venue at her place for the first night always
involves this higher flaking risk due to your loss of control.

Anyway, stories or discussion about PLRM would be welcome. Also, maybe a link
on the "articles" part of this site's front page might be good, since there
appear to be no articles on this site about PLRM.

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2003 by "sillywilly" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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