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Field Report: random opener and “i have a boyfriend”

mASF post by live wire

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Field Report: random opener and “i have a boyfriend”
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mASF post by "live wire"
posted on: mASF forum: Field Reports Discussion, August 8, 2005

On 8/7/05 9:42:00 AM, Commander Zap wrote:
>>lw: hey guys... I want your
>>opinion on ths new pick up
>I like this because "I want your opinion
>about *something*" just hangs in the
>air, no punch line. Here you give a
>punch line and it's boy-girl talk, which
>they generally love.

Its a coincidence you say this because the majority of my openers in the past
have been "I want your opinion", but I definitely see what you are talking
about with the boy-girl talk.

>Yes, you did not pursue instantly the
>target. Excellent.

This wasnt a conscious decision... maybe an unconscious choice from a few
months of solid field experience.

>It's on when they touch you. Chicks
>don't touch us unless they are very
>interested, even if they don't
>necessarily know it consciously. So,

Yep, when they touch, its ON!

>I bust on
>>HBsuperfly for being the bad
>Great. Do you give courses in this shit
>or something?

Lol, i havent started my own PU company... yet ;)

>>lw: you are cute... but good
>>looks are common, what else do
>>you have going for you, say
>>can you cook?
>>HBsuperfly: yeah, yeah, of
>>course i can cook!
>>lw: awesome! you would make a
>>nice new girlfriend...
>After a line like that last one, you
>normally need to push, right? "But
>you're a redhead, redheads are so
>distant and all!"

I like to ask girls if they can dance... and if they say yes, I will ask them
to do a little dance on the spot (I had one girl doing starjumps at Cargo bar).
Most wont do it, so I will say "You cant dance... so we are definitely broken

She also admitted to being daddy's spoilt little girl, so I played that into
the push pull (OMG, we are getting married, but if it doesnt work out, I'm
gonna divorce you and take half the money)

>>This whole time, we had been
>>moving in closer to each
>>other... places with loud
>>music are great for this. But,
>>just as I thought her
>>attraction was spiking, she
>>says "i have a boyfriend"
>>lw: thats cool, when we wake
>>up tomorrow morning, he can
>>make us a nice big glass of
>>orange juice. (dunno who came
>>up with that line, but
>A couple of times now, you've been on
>the verge on expressing too much
>interest and the whole thing could

Zap, I dont understand here... how have I been showing too much interest?
Rather, I used to think that because I didnt SOI enough, chicks had the
impression I was not into them, and just there for a social chat.

>>HBsuperfly: OMG! I cant
>>believe you said that!
>>Now, I tried to escalate
>>infront of her friends,
>Sounds bad.
>> but
>>didnt go down well.
>Right, I wouldn't expect otherwise.
>Needed probably to number close her, out
>of range of those vexatious CBs.

Her sister and two friends were really chilled. They didnt interrupt us at all,
and were giving me flirtatious eye contact when I glanced at them...

But I definitely need to isolate first... then escalate, I think I would have
been ON if I had said "lets go over there, I want to show you something"

>I was
>>holding her hand, kinoing her
>>back, etc, but just didnt go
>>in for the kiss because I
>>needed to have her alone.
>The CBs were probably whisperingly
>giving her shit by this time: "What
>about Clarence?!"
>>Feltweird to go for the make out
>>in front of friends.
>You don't need a make out here, you
>needed to discretely get her phone

I was purely after makeouts during that night of sarging... I forgot to mention
that in the post, but right now I wanna work on smooth escalation. Also, I will
go for numbers on street sets more than bar or club girls.

>>She was attracted, but I had
>>to go, and so I tried one last
>>time for a kiss..
>Again, why, old chum?

It was a goal on the night mate.

>>lw: (points to cheek)
>>HBsuperfly: (kisses it, but
>>pulls me in for a hug...)
>She wanted it and you needed to lead her
>to how to get it.
>>I'm like damn! Ok, so i go for
>>the number...
>>lw: it was great to have this
>>fun chat with u, lets meet up
>>some time... here put in your
>>number (giving her my phone).
>>Hbsuperfly: but I have a
>>boyfriend... (turns to sister)
>Yeah, turns to sister alright: "Oh CB,
>will you CB?"
>Look, you did great. You've got to be
>more artful and conniving about closing
>the deal. Like a damn snake, that's what
>they're looking for.

Thanks, I will be more stealthy about it next time, either in isolating, or
discreetly getting the number :)

>get it. If you can get her phone number
>with her cunt CB-ing sister blowing her
>nasty bad breath in your face, you
>achieve things against tall odds. What
>a cool guy for her to be with! Not that
>she'd cheat on her BF or anything, maybe
>just fuck you from time to time is all.

Thats all my expectations would be as well... no time for an LTR right now...
too much of uni studies.

>They did and they were. Good for you.
>They were also wondering, why didn't he
>hit on us, alas. Maybe next time, big

Lol, yeah, next time, I will DEFINITELY hang around the bar, just because of
the intrigue that the girls had, that my wing and I could have exploited.

>You did great. Just needed the
>surreptitious close, reflect on that for
>next time. Consider the joys of being a
>dirty little sneak, and take it to the
>next level!

Great advice mate, as long as PU is so much fun, I will take it as far as I
can. Great to see you still posting here Zap, we need more chilled "old school"
guys like yourself around here!

live wire

A teenage PUA-to-be let loose, gaming on the streets and in the bars of Sydney?
You UGs better get out of my way, and you hotties better watch out!

live wire

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by "live wire" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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