The following pickup product reviews have either appeared on Clifford’s Seduction Newsletter (archived on this site), or on the mASF Forum, or old ASF newsgroup or have been written up specifically for this section of the Fast Seduction 101 web site or submitted by email to us. Source and original reviewer notices have been provided in all cases. If you would like to submit a product review or would like to recommend a product not already on this list, please contact Formhandle and let him know.

Review: Double Your Dating
eBook by David DeAngelo
web site:
purpose: attitude, mindset, being alpha, attracting women fast

Review: The Art of the Pickup
DVD Sets by Learn The Skills
Learn The Skills Corp is the owner of and operated by Jay Valens (aka Formhandle) and Ray Devans (aka TokyoPUA).
web site:
purpose: overall advice, pickup structure, foundations
High Status Male
eBook by Mike Pilinski
web site:
purpose: self improvement from the inside out, truly on-target alpha mindset
Way of Gun Audio Course &
Dynamic Sex Life eBook
by Allen “Gun” Reyes
web site:
purpose: how to apply sexual state and basic human sexual biology as your main method

Magic Bullets eBook by Savoy of Love Systems
The Routines Manual eBook from Love Systems (in association with
web site:
purpose: pickup structure, in-field training
The Attraction Code e-Course by Vin DiCarlo
web site:
purpose: natural game, natural mindset, how women think, core understandings
Real Word Seduction eBook by Swingcat
purpose: storytelling, push-pull techniques, getting women to believe you are the PRIZE
The Art of Approaching eBook by Joseph Matthews
web site:
purpose: approaching, confidence, meeting, flirting, story telling, being social
Speed Seduction® Home Study Course audio courseware
web site:
purpose: languaging and seduction skills
Speed Seduction® Hyper-Response and Core Attraction audio and video course
web site:
purpose: advanced speed seduction
Natural Game eBook from PUA Training
purpose: approaching, confidence, meeting, flirting, story telling, being social
Approaching Confidence CD from PUA Training
purpose: approaching, confidence, meeting, flirting, story telling, being social
David Shade’s Manual – book about advanced sexual techniques to give women incredible pleasure
web site:,
purpose: how to sex a woman once you’ve got her
David also writes a column here on Fast Seduction 101: David Shade’s Journal
The Mystery Method Workshops & Seminars (with Stripper Seminar review)
purpose: seminars and in-field workshops
The October Man Sequence by Twotimer/IN10SE
web site:
purpose: advanced languaging and seduction skills, efficiently leading to sex
“The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists” Book by Neil Straus
web site: Buy the book on
purpose: literary documentary about one man’s journey through the world of pickup artists
Written by New York Times best-selling author, Neil Strauss. Neil weaves together a fascinating novel about his experiences as “Style” in the community of pickup artists (all kinds of people known from this site are found in the novel).
Seduction Science eBooks
web site:
purpose: self improvement, science of seduction, pick up and seduction tactics
Meet Women Online DVDs from Double Your Dating / David DeAngelo
web site:
purpose: online dating, personals, email, chat, etc
What the Hell do Women Really Want – a book that gets deep into the core of what women want, written by a woman
web site:
purpose: understanding the inside of women’s minds
KenXtions System – a thorough set of basic materials to help beginners get beyond simple approaches and meeting women
web site:
purpose: simplified approaching, openers, simple boot camp materials
Misc. Wayne Ross Products – pick-up stuff
web site:,
purpose: pick-up stuff
In addition to these product reviews, there is also a recommended books and movies list on this site as well as an integrated Amazon store.