Ross Jeffries: "And one of the most true and powerful realities of human nature
believe that things that are difficult to possess are inherently of better quality and
that things that are easy to posses are of little value or quality. In other words, absent
knowing what something can do for them, people will make a judgement based on what they
have to give up to get it. They confuse price with value. I certainly hope that you are
smart enough to see the difference. Personally, I judge the worth of something based on
what it will do for me. But practically speaking, here are some ways to do it in your
behaviour in the field:
- At the appropriate place and time, SHOW YOUR ANGER!! Guys who never get mad, who never
show that they will stand up for themselves and make a woman feel a bit of unpleasantness
are, in effect, giving themselves away for free!! Let the females in your life know that
if they break your rules, cross you, or show any lack of respect that THEY ARE GOING TO
- Be willing to withdraw your time and attention and be unavailable! There are actually
two rules working here: one is that people value more what they have to work for, but also
the rule is: if it's rare or becoming MORE scarce it's viewed as being more valuable.
Well, in any case, as I've said, it's a reality, so use it in the following ways:
- A. Now and again, cancel dates.
- B. Don't always return her phone calls promptly
- C. On occasion, and especially in the beginning, GET OFF THE PHONE FIRST!! Don't have
unlimited time or willingness to talk!!
That should get her viewing you as scarce and therefore a lot more valuable and
therefore something... She's Willing To Pay A Hell Of A Lot More To Get!! Now the final,
and perhaps the most important rule I can give you is: Let Women (and people in general)
Know What Your Rules Are And What You Expect Of Them!!! Now, I didn't say whine or demand.
I just said let them know with the attitude of: Hey, these are the rules. If you care to
obey them, great. You'll receive GREAT value in return. If not, please get out of the way
because plenty of people are lined up who WILL pay, and gladly so. Finally on this topic, you should take steps to totally eliminate from your life anyone
in any capacity who will not pay your price, after you have clearly informed them what
that price may be, and most especially if they have explicitly agreed to pay it. As I have
long said, confidence works two ways: both in going for what you do want and moving away
from what you don't. If you don't eliminate those who won't pay the price, then you will
be undercutting your confidence when you want to move towards what you want, because your
behaviour is not 100% congruent with your belief that you are a person of value who is
deserving of the best." Craig, Clifford's Seduction newsletter: "Make her put some work into hanging out
with you in order for her to value you. Make her come and pick you up, make her spend some
money on you, make her call and do you favors, etc. When she does things for you it will
justify her own feelings for you and allow them to grow." See also: Attract girls by being busy |  |